The CO-HOST project – Creating Opportunities for VET mobility in HOSpitality and Tourism – aims to the challenges launched by the EU by defining a VET quality mobility strategy among VET organisations coming from EU member states and organisations coming from Western Balkans, aiming at promoting mobility activities and improving the skills and competences of VET teachers, learners and managers in the field of VET.
latest news

What’s the latest on sustainable tourism in Europe?
Sustainable tourism in Europe has seen significant growth in recent years, as countries and organizations focus on eco-friendly practices to

CO-HOST: The needs of the Western Balkans in the context of modernization in the EU
The CO-HOST consortium (WP2) conducted research and identified the specific needs and problems of Education and Vocational Training (VET) in

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In the 3rd Newsletter, you can find news from our project, click here to discover more: https://mailchi.mp/egina.eu/co-host-erasmus-project-3rd-newsletter
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